ALS Level 1

ALS1 is an Australian Resuscitation Council Course 
RACGP accredited course for 6.5hrs Educational Activities and 5.5hrs Reviewing Performance to meet AHPRA New CPD Requirements from 2023.
A one-day course aimed at providing the candidate with the skills and knowledge to manage the patient in the immediate period of crisis.

Time : 9 AM to 5 PM
Venue : Level 3, 22 Rutland Rd Box Hill VIC 3128
Fee      475

Course Highlights:
  • Skills and knowledge to manage the patient in the immediate period of crisis.
  • Recognition, assessment and immediate management of the deteriorating patient.
  • Skills for dealing with a cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies in a clinical setting
  • Recognition, assessment and management of the critically ill patient using a structured ABCDE approach (aiming to prevent cardiac arrest)
  • Airway management skill
  • Basic Life Support
  • Defibrillation skills
  • Cardiac arrest management using the ARC ALS Algorithm
  • Work as an effective team member in a cardiac arrest
Upcoming dates:

We Take Only 6 People for One Course

8th March 2025                     Fully Booked
13th March 2025                    1 Spot Available
16th March 2025                     1 Spot Available
20th March 2025                    2 Spots Available
25th March 2025                     3 Spots Available

29th March 2025                     2 Spots Available

2nd April 2025                          3 Spots Available

6th April 2025                          2 Spots Available

10th April 2025                         4 Spots Available

12th April 2025                        3 Spots Available
17th April 2025                         4 Spots Available              
23rd April 2025                          3 Spots Available
26th April 2025                          2 Spots Available

If Interested to Attend Please Email


with your FULL NAME ,MOBILE NUMBER ,RACGP[If Member] and AHPRA Number


Price :- $475.00